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Regan, cleaner - IV1 Westhill

Hi, I'm Regan and I'm 17 years of age. I'm currently a student at Inverness UHI and studying Beauty Care. I'm not originally from Inverness being the reason I had to move up from Oban for my course as my local college didn't offer it.
I offer my services in everyday household tasks such as house work/cleaning. I offer help around the house with cleaning, shopping and anything else you require/would like help with. I also offer to house sit your house if you're away for a few days or going on holiday and don't like leaving your house unattended. I pretty much offer any services that you require help with that I'm able to help with. If there is anything you need help with that isn't in my ad description then just give me a message and I'll see if I'm able to help as I'm always up to new tasks/challenges.
My only experience is with myself, family, friends and family friend but I'm sure that's not too different to anyone else.
If you have any further questions then please don't hesitate to ask, I'm not very good at these things so I hope I did a somewhat okay job and hope to hear from you soon.

Services offered
Household tasks
Help with shopping
House sitter
Spoken languages
English (fluent)

Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation

Price asked
per hour

As I'm only 17 years of age, a student and living away from home, the only source of income I have is my student funding which isn't much to cover my rent and food. If these charges are too much for you then you can give me a quick text or an email and we'll come to an agreement.

No recommendations yet, soon it will be your turn?

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No photo
Help at home
Connected over 7 years ago- Available now
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No updates for 3 months
Early in the morning
End of the day
Available during school holidays


Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation


Price asked
per hour

As I'm only 17 years of age, a student and living away from home, the only source of income I have is my student funding which isn't much to cover my rent and food. If these charges are too much for you then you can give me a quick text or an email and we'll come to an agreement.