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...and it’s free!

Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

I am a positive, reliable and responsible individual who s more than happy to help. I help out at home therefore i have some past experience.

I'm Laura , I would like to offer my services to help people out, around the house with house hold chores. I often cook, clean, iron, wash clothes and do household chores myself. The only experience I have is doing them for myself at University and doing these chores for my parents.

Hello all, I'm going to university to study medicine this September so I'm looking for any work available over summer to save some money before I go! I have work experience in the medical and care sectors, I have volunteered at a care home for 4 months and worked as a ward assistant at a hospital for 10 months. Message me for further enquiries!

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