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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

Bonjour ! Je suis étudiante et à la recherche de quelques activités qui peuvent m'aider à payer mes études et mon loyer. Venant d'une famille nombreuse, il a toujours été important de s'occuper des tâches ménagères à la maison, depuis que je suis jeune, d'aider à la maison sur toutes sortes de choses. Je serai donc ravie de pouvoir vous aider si vous avez besoin d'aide, de quelque nature que ce soit. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour plus d'informations ! Lauren

Hi, my name is Giada , I am an italian 24 y.o. assistant researcher of Archaeology at Hayes House in Oxford. I offer my services as maid, of any kind of help you may need. I am a clean, hard-working and punctual person, and I do not have a long time experience.

Ho esperienza di un anno a Londra come ragazza alla pari in cui aiutavo con le faccende di casa, dal pulire allo stirare, lavare, fare la spesa. Penso sia un bel modo per mettersi a disposizione degli altri e guadagnarsi qualche soldo che per una ragazza giovane come me può aiutarmi a essere indipendente, e non pesare troppo economicamente sui miei genitori.

Hello i am nicole i am 17 turing 18 in a couple of months i am waiting to start college in September can start at anytime i help around the house most of the town

My name is hina I am 20 years ago and I am able to help with anything I am punctual friendly and confident in what I do I have alot of personal experience in helping family friends and done alot of voluntary work which has made me much and better at my job and I am available now and looking to start ASAP. I know I will do my best in everything and make sure I don't give anyone a chance to be unhappy with my work.

Hi I'm Devon 24 and currently living in Bampton. I have my own car and I am willing to travel any questions send me a message :)

I am looking to earn some money whilst helping others. I love helping people around the house and I also babysit and I work in a retirement home. I am willing to learn new tasks.

Actuellement étudiante en langue à Oxford, je recherche un travail me permettant de financer ma vie en Angleterre Je suis manuelle et m adapte facilement aux tâches

I'm an 18 years old girl from Spain. Responsable and kind. I am skillful and charismatic. I like to help and useful I'm polite and want to give my best. I'm in oxford studying English for nine months

Im shannon , 20 years old . Moved to abingdon with my boyfriend and looking for jobs in childcare or helping around the house. Cleaning is a big thing my life I love everything to be clean.

Mother of 6 yr old boy, previously a nanny for nearly ten years and then a Nursery Nurse for another ten years. I'm a very hands on nanny who believes all children should have the chance to get messy, so regularly do cooking with children, or set out paints, sticking with glue, or anything else messy and fun. Of course we all get clean and tidy afterwards!! I have tons of experience as I spent a couple of years doing short term temporary nanny jobs, which enabled me to learn about the d...

My name is Lea, I am 16 years old and I live in Abingdon. I am a student at John Mason School and I am trying to make some cash in my spare time in order to fund my college course. I can clean (experience available) and help with things outside the house. I have experience in 'housesitting' whilst people have been on holiday. I also looked after a four-year-old and a six-year-old for six weeks when their mother broke her ankle. I have always loved caring for children and helping peop...

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