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Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

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Hello, My name is Valeria I am 21 years old, I just moved to Reading with my husband as he got a job opportunity nearby, we were living in London for 1 year. I am from Caracas, Venezuela, a beautiful country in South america and the Caribbean. My mother tongue is Spanish, I studied my whole life in one of the top schools in my city and I always had great grades. when I was 17 I came to london for 6 months to improve english here as I love languages, when I was back home all my neighbou...

¡Hola! My name is Cristina and I am a Year 11 Student. I am a Spanish Native Speaker and have lived in Madrid for 13 years. I'm happy to tutor any level of Spanish, I will adapt my teaching to that level. I can help with any specific section (Writing, Speaking, etc) you may need help with, and I can also provide reading books in Spanish to help with pronunciation and reading skills. I've tutored a few people in my school, and they have all found it extremely useful. ¡Nos vemos pronto!

I was born in Puglia, so in mother tongue of italian. Plus, my dad was born and grow up in Belgium, his family still live there so I speak french since I was a little child . I'm in England for study in particular, and also for working because my parents doesn't came here with me .

Hi! I’m Sofía, graduated primary teacher and currently Language Assistant in a Grammar School. Children have been always the centre of my studies and professional experience. I’m a responsible, active and motivated person. I'm from Spain and I have been living in UK for one year and half. Currently: -Spanish Language Assistant Previous experience: -Chilminder (two girls aged 6 and 2) -Private tutor (Primary and Secondary level) -Youth leader in Summer Camps (children a...

After studying French at A level and having lived in Paris for the past year, I have received my C1 level diploma certifying that I have achieved fluency in the French language. I will be going to the University of Nottingham to study French and Russian at the end of September. Furthermore, I worked for a company last year providing French lessons to a 9 year old girl which her family were very impressed with, noting how much she had progressed over a short space of time. I love teaching ...

Ciao! Sono Lorena, 25 anni, sono in posseso di due lauree, orientate entrambe all'Educazione e la Formazione. Sono madrelingua spagnolo, ma parlo fluentemente italiano e inglese. Penso che il modo migliore per imparare una lingua sia parlando, ascoltando e leggendo, non solo scrivendo. Ho il mio modo particolare di insegnare, penso che se voliamo imparare una língua, non c'è motivo per non farlo in modo divertente. Sono una persona molto solare che cercherà in tutti modi di adegu...

I'm able to teach Portuguese, English fluently. I can also teach Spanish begginer/ intermediate and friends begginer. I'm 16years old, babysitter girl. Please don't hesitate to contact me for any other information

My name is Maeve , I am 17 years old and study A level Spanish at Sir William Borlase's Grammar school. I am friendly, reliable and flexible with hours. I would be happy to teach beginners Spanish and find out about GCSE specifications. I hope I can be helpful! Thank you , Maeve