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Soy profesora de español en Cambridge (UK). Doy clases a adultos y a niños bilingües (inglés/español). El rango de edades va desde los 5 años hasta los 74! Estoy graduada en Recursos Humanos por una universidad inglesa con especialización en coaching. Poseo el certificado (CSLTA) por el Instituto Cervantes de A Londres, certificado que acredita para enseñar español a todos los niveles. Apasionada de la salud y el buen comer poseo también acreditación en Industria alimentaria y dietética ...

my name is Eden Flore a student in year one in ARU Cambridge. i am a Cameroonian and my mother tongue is french i have learned German for 2 years and have a certificate i am interesting in tutorial as i am the elder one in my family i used to help my sisters and brother with their home works particularly in foreign languages. i don, t have any professional experience but i loved teaching and i am ready to improve the skills i acquired in family experience. i am a disciplinate and hardworking...

Lived in Spain for 5 years, have taught Spanish to a child with no common language successfully, and have tutored all ages from 4 to adult. Pay can be discussed but lowest around. Willing to teach several children at the same time for just slightly extra than one. Also willing to be left alone with the children as a joint babysitter/tutoring role. Have Spanish up to A level and am now studying Abnormal and Clinical Psychology at degree level.