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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

Hello. My nam eis Anastazja. I'm from Ukraine. We live in Basingstoke with my husband. My native languages are Ukrainian and Russian. Just few months ago I've finished the university in Poland. That's why I'm also fluent in Polish. If you realize that you really want to learn some of these languages - no problem, we will do this:) See you and do zobaczenia. Всего хорошего:)

¡Hola! My name is Cristina and I am a Year 11 Student. I am a Spanish Native Speaker and have lived in Madrid for 13 years. I'm happy to tutor any level of Spanish, I will adapt my teaching to that level. I can help with any specific section (Writing, Speaking, etc) you may need help with, and I can also provide reading books in Spanish to help with pronunciation and reading skills. I've tutored a few people in my school, and they have all found it extremely useful. ¡Nos vemos pronto!

My name is Helen , I am 18 years old. I was born in Colombia and I have been living in the UK for over a year. Spanish is my mother tongue and I have had previous experience in teaching a language, as I taught english to children in Colombia. At the moment I am doing my A-levels in Godalming College so I would be able to work around my timetable or on there weekends.

After studying French at A level and having lived in Paris for the past year, I have received my C1 level diploma certifying that I have achieved fluency in the French language. I will be going to the University of Nottingham to study French and Russian at the end of September. Furthermore, I worked for a company last year providing French lessons to a 9 year old girl which her family were very impressed with, noting how much she had progressed over a short space of time. I love teaching ...

Ciao! Mi chiamo Arianna e ho 21 anni. HO lavorato prima come assistente e poi come animatrice e lettrice per più di 4 anni con bambini, in lingua inglese. Durante l'estate lavoro in settimane linguistiche mentre durante l'anno scolastico faccio preparazioni al KET in alcune scuole medie del trentino. Sono una perfetta trilingue ( cittadinanza italiana, ma studiato in una scuola Britanica e nata in Peru) inglese, spagnolo e italiano.

I´m a Spanish girl called Gabby and I am working as au pair in Woking. I have mornings (9:30-14:00) and evenings (19:00-...) free and I would like to combine both jobs. I studied Primary Teaching and Music Teaching in Spain and I have worked as a teacher over there. Most of the school in Spain are being bilingual so I wanted to improve my english to be better in my job. Apart from those jobs, I worked as English and Spanish instructor in many different places (I can get references in case you...