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With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

Hola mi nombre es Diana , tengo 31 años, soy Ingeneria Industrial con una Maestría en Tecnología y Negocios de la Universidad de Granada, España. Pronto iniciaré una maestría en Gestión Ambiental en la Universidad del Sur de Gales. Tengo experiencia como tutor online de clases de español desde hace ya algunos meses, me puedo adaptar a tus horarios y necesidades de aprendizaje del idioma español. Soy una persona muy responsable y dinámica, por lo cual mis clases no son aburridas.

My name Emma , I'm 17. I've lived over 12 years in France so I'm fluent in French. I speak it at home and when I go back there (a few times a year). I've got French GCSEs and I had to do some here last year and obtained A*. I would love to help your child in French for GCSEs for example. I've noticed that most people who are studying languages tend to not enjoy them because of the teachers but I will do my best to change that.

I am a 17 year old girl, living in Pen Y Graig. I have recently completed my GCSEs and achieved A*, A & B grades in my subjects. I am currently studying Religious Studies, Chemistry, Biology and English Literature at AS level. I am hoping to go into midwifery once I finish sixth form. I currently volunteer at my local maternity unit and will be traveling to Kilimanjaro in the summer in order to compleat a 3 week midwifery placement and volunteer at the local orphanage. I am fluent in Welsh an...