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Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

Acabo de terminar la carrera de Maestro en Educación Primaria , pero hize Bachiller Científico-Tecnológico por lo que la informática básica soy capaz de enseñarla. Por otro lado me gusta la fotografía con lo que trasteo con Photoshop y tengo un nivel bajo-medio de su uso. En cuanto al dibujo/arte se refiere, he ido a clases de dibujo y manualidades desde 1º de Primaria realizando así varios cursos.

My name is Fanni . I am a 20 years old, creative, helpful and reliable person. I moved here this september from Hungary. I am working in a carehome as a health care assistant. I have taught drawing for 3 years. In the beggining I only taught pre-schoolers and now I have got many pupil on all age groups. This summer I had 5 art courses, because my work became very popular. I am very precise, accurate, flexible and friendly. I am keeping touch with my students and trying to help them i...

I can teach dancing. I have danced for 3 years. I can teach art as well. I have taken art for 8 years. And have passed Art Exams with As. I can also teach to cook. I cook on a daily basis. And different cuisines.