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Hi! I'm Lisa and I am simply an animal lover looking to care for animals in my spare time but would love to make this full time. I have one dog, three cats and a hamster of my own but still have plenty of love and cuddles to give! My pets are my world and I understand the comfort it can give to you knowing your pet is not alone all day and can get the extra care you cannot provide at that time. I have been doing this for several years for my friends and family so to do this as a job would be ...

My name is Jessica, I am polite, well spoken, well orintated and very enthusiastic. I have had experienced with looking after pets and I used to pet sit my family's dogs and cat and I used to be a pet walker. I have a dog called Bailey he is a chorky I walk him 4 times a day for about half an hour as he is only little and can't walk far but he gets out to play in the garden about 10 times a day. Please do not hesitate to contact me ☺️

Hi there, my name is Lucy, I am 20 years old and am currently in third year at university studying primary teaching! I love working with animals. I currently have two rabbits aged 4 and have had two previously who lived to the age of 9. I also have a 1 year old cocker spaniel who I love taking for long walks and playing fun and exciting games with her. I have had both warm and cold water fish my whole life. My partner currently has a 1 year old cat so I have alot of experience being around ca...

I am a 19 nearly 20 year old student about to begin studying HND year 1 Textiles at college and I am a huge animal lover! I even became vegetarian as a result of my love for animals ( I have no problem with the meat in animal feed). I currently have only two cats of my own, (a tiny all black queen and a half Maine Coon/tabby tom) who sadly are not very welcoming to other animal friends, and I have had up to 10 at once in the past, so large numbers are only more appealing! They are by far my f...

I'm a -95 born young woman from Finland. I study in Dundee (Abertay University). I'm on my second year of Psychology Honors degree. My family has had a lot of cats and dogs, so I have often looked after them, taken them for a walk, fed, played with them etc. I love animals. Even though I don't have experience of other kinds of pets, I'm sure I can handle them with a clear introduction!

My name is Vincent and I'm 15 I have two dogs one chihuahua and one boxer so I'm experienced with both big and little dogs I can take them out for hours at a time if needed and they will be fed at times specified by yourself

hi there, my name is Jaya. i am 23 and recently just graduated in aberdeen. while studying in aberdeen i would often dog walk in my spare time and now that im back in dundee i would love to get back into dog walking or looking after any animal. i also have experience looking after rabits and guinea pigs from being a previous owner a few years back. if you need a fun, bubbly animal lover to l9ok after your pet for a fee hours then it would be lovely to hear from you.

Hello, my name is Pavlina and I am from Czech republic. I have been living in Dundee since summer 2015. Back in Czech republic I had a guinea pig about which I took care. I tried to found out any good or bad information what He should eat or shouldn't. I was trying to make him happy life, I played with him all the time, organised his cage, buying treads or any food what he loved. Also I took care about ex-boyfriends guinea pig when his family were on holiday on other side of Czech repub...

Hi, my name is Vera and I am originally from the Czech Republic. I moved to Dundee to study at University of Abertay, however I have a lot of spare time. I have a dog back home and I definitely miss taking care of him so I would love to help someone out with walking or any kind of help connected to animals.

Hi! I'm Lauren, I'm 31 and a huge animal lover. Having recently lost our beautiful Bengal snowleopard, I would love the opportunity to look after and love another. I have had a Bassett hound, 3 cats and a springer spaniel in my life and loved each one. Please get it touch as it will help both of us. Thank you. Xx

I am good at walking any animals and while you are away on holiday or out the house i am a very reliable young person who would happly house and animal sit

I'm Amy, I don't have any pets but my gran has a dog. I like to walk and feed my gran's dog. I love to play with dogs.

Hello there. Pet lovers , I can deal with most animals and diets to suit , cats dogshorses goats ect ect animal crazy lady I have 2 dogs my self and a horse and they are the sweetest. Kindest nature's , need some help call me x

Hello, my name is Alice, I'm from Brazil, I will start to study in Aberdeen and I'm looking for a job, I currently work as an Au Pair in Dundee. I have three dogs and three cats!!

Hello My name is Katriona and I am a third year criminological studies student at the University of Abertay Dundee. I attend university for around 8 hours a week so I am very much available to look after your pet. At my flat in Dundee I have two pet hamsters named Sooty and Latifa. They are dwarf hamsters and I enjoy playing with them. At my parents house (which I have only recently moved from) I have a pet dog named Shona. She is a rescue dog who is a mix between an Alsatian, Collie ...

Hi! My name is James. I'm 20, and I've lived in France for half of my life. During my 10 years in France, I lived in the countryside with my family and we owned: -5 dogs (Black Labrador, Jack Russel, 2 Beagles and a St Bernard) -10 cats -Goldfish -Turtle -Rabbits -Hamsters -Chickens Due to this, I've developed a sincere passion for animals and am very affectionate towards them - especially dogs. I would love to make a career out of caring for animals, and I would love to make ...

Hello, I am French and have a master's degree in business law. I studied at dundee University from January to December 2018. I fell in love with Scotland and wish to stay a little longer. I have two dogs and two cats. I've always lived with animals, I also had a rabbit. So I know how to take care of animals and I love that. In addition to looking after my dogs and cats, I have already looked after other animals and visited their owner during their holidays. Do not hesitate to contact...

Hi my names rayanen I am currently a student at the university of Dundee and looking for a job while I'm there. I love pets and have two dogs at home. I have had cats before and also rodents.

Since I remember, I’ve always wanted to work with animals as a veterinary. Life took me on another way as a nurse, but the love for animals it’s here and will never disappear. I will take care of your animal as if was mine! ☺️

I am a Psychology student at Abertay University. I have a 6-year-old dog back home (a standard Schnauzer). I also gained experience in looking after dogs by looking after my family's dogs. (Golden Retriever and a scrub)

Hi my name is Rebecca I'm 17 years old. my hobbies are caring for my horse. my pet is called tim , he is a 15.2h. he's got a great personality and a great character. he loves attention and loves getting groomed. I'm really good with animals. when i was young i was always at my grans farm with cats and dogs and took my grans 2 dogs out for a big long walks and did that every week it was great fun. thank you and would be great to hear back from you.

I love animals - I have had every animal imagine able, and have loved every minute of it. I currently live with two cats, Nikki and Jack, a bearded dragon, Hercules, and our chinchilla , Chilly. I am happy to do walking, feeding, general exercising and even just company if need be. Also happy to look after animals while you are on holiday. I could write about animals forever, so if you are looking for a genuine animal lover, please get in touch, I can provide many pictures and stor...

Hi there! I'm Jenna, I'm 18 and I'm currently studying at Abertay University. I would say that my favourite thing to do would be to play with and spend time with animals, I love them. I have two dogs of my own who I love more than life itself, Troy who is an 11 year old springer spaniel and Buzz who is a 5 year old cocker spaniel. Both of them are incredibly energetic and love to play and go exploring. My perfect day would be going on a long walk with my dogs and snuggling up on the couch wit...

My name is Danielle. I am 15 years old and looking for I job I can partake in after school hours. I have some experience with looking after cats or dogs as I have my own cat and had looked after friends and family dogs x

Hi there! I'm Rowan, I'm 19 and I've only just recently moved here from a little village near Wales. I have been caring for animals my entire life, starting with cats (2 males) who have been in my family for over a decade, moving on to looking after peoples' dogs whilst they're on holiday, as well as doing a BTEC in Animal Care in High School, which involved me having to look after dozens of different animals including: - Pigs -Chickens -Alpacas -Tortoises -Bearded Dragons and Water Drag...

My name is Amy I'm 19 years old, soon to be 20. I have a cat called poppy and love animals, would happily walk dogs/pet sit etc

I am such an animal lover, and i have had the chance to look after many animals over the past few years! From growing up with animals and always being around them I feel that I am more than capable.

Hello! My name is Elisenda Raga, I am 27 years old and I come from Barcelona. I've been living in Dundee for more than a year now. I have a dog called Rufus. He is a cocker spaniel and he is 2 years old now. Nowadays he is living in Barcelona with my sister. I am interested in take care animals like dogs and cats because I really like animals and I miss stay in touch of them, so I think that this would be a great opportunity to do it. When I was at home I used take Rufus for long walks ...

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