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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

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Profils complets, vérifications, avis : recrutez sereinement.

Hi, my name is Natalie and I am 24 years old. I am currently a primary school teacher and in my 3rd year of teaching. I trained down in Brighton where I started teaching and I also tutored a child for a year in maths in year 5 going into year 6. When she started with me she wasn't scoring anything on her practice SATS papers, after an hour and a half a week and lots of hard work and confidence boosting she managed to score 45 in her SATS tests last year. We worked hard together to focus on st...

My name is Veranika and I am 17 years old, I work at a tutoring company and have worked there for over two years. I’ve worked with children from the ages of 5-12. I got an A in my maths GCSE and studied maths for the first year of my alevels. I have had a lot of experience with primary school children through my work and I have worked with a variety of different teachers and have learned the best teaching methods for different types of children. I have been put in difficult situations before ...

My name is Hannah, and I am a 17 year old sixth form student. I am currently studying 4 A-Levels in Biology, Physics, Maths and Further Maths. I am predicted As. Additionally I achieved 12 GCSEs; 7 A*s in Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Religious Studies, Geography, Spanish and German, and 5 As in English Language, English Literature, Physics, PE and Further Maths. In my spare time I swim, do gymnastics and volunteer at a hospice. I am happy to tutor primary and secondary school level st...

Lincolnshire, les principales villes

Recherches fréquentes

cours particulier Castle Bytham

cours particulier NG33

cours de maths Castle Bytham

cours de maths NG33

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