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Mi chiamo Alice, mi sto laureando in Lingue, culture e società dell'Asia e dell'Africa mediterranea presso l'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, dove studio cinese, arabo, inglese e francese. Ho la certificazione di livello B2 di cinese e C1di inglese, mentre, al momento, non ho ancora certificazioni di francese e arabo, posso però dichiarare che il mio livello di francese è circa un B1. Ho vissuto un anno in Cina, esperienza che ha esponenzialmente migliorato le mie competenze linguistiche. N...

LEÇONS D’ITALIEN Je suis italienne et à l’université de Rome j’étudie l’italien et le français (Licence 3). À Paris je suis étudiante Erasmus jusqu’à Mai. J’ai de l’experience dans le domaine de la didactique et ici je me propose pour donner de cours d’italien aux élèves (7-17 ans) . Débutants, niveau intermédiaire, avancé. N’hésitez pas à me contacter, Chiara

Bonjour, Je m'appelle Camille. J'ai 17 ans et je suis actuellement en Terminale ES, au lycée Thomas Hélye à Cherbourg. Je me propose d'aider à apprendre les langues, que ça soit le français, l'anglais ou l'allemand. Je n'ai jamais donné de cours jusqu'à présent, à part à mes camarades. J'aimerai vraiment faire cela car cela peut se révéler une expérience très enrichissante. Mon niveau de langue est: - B1-B2 en Allemand (j'ai obtenu le diplôme de Goethe niveau B1 en seconde) - B2-C1...

Je suis une fille italienne de 25 ans, je vis a Torino et j'ai déjà eu expériences comme assistant à apprendre de nouvelles langues. Je travaille dans le domaine de l’enfance de 2010 parallemant aux bésoins de ma famille (ma soeur et mes cousins). Je étudié à l'école secondaire, je peux aider les enfants en mathématiques, langues: anglais, italien, et français. J’ai aidé des enfants en Australie un an (2013-2014) et en Anglaterre un an et demi avec les devoirs de l'italien, l'anglais et le f...

I am a private tutor and I worked in USA, Spain and London. I teach children and adults. I have a full training teaching in USA . I have very good references . I teach catalan and spanish. Catalan Level C teaching business people .

PORTUGUESE (Brasil) My name is Claudia and I am a Portuguese teacher. I am Brazilian and can help with your Portuguese.Especially children whose parents/one of of them is Brazilian and want their children to speak Portuguese.

Hello My name is Claudia, i looking for an job opportunity, i have same experience, and im very enthusiastic person with character and creativity very versatile, so i think i can try a lots of different job am sure i can do it properly.Many thanks.

Let me introduce myself. I'm Mexican, single, no kids and I'm currently living in Wandsworth, London, looking for a job as nanny, au pair, babysitting, teaching spanish, translator etc., but at the same time something that allow me to have time to study a English course to improve the language since I would like to apply for an MBA scholarship for the next year, SOME FACTS ABOUT ME... I finished my bachelor degree in Accountancy and Business Administration; I have worked in my professio...

Bonjour. J’ai appris l’arabe durant 10 ans avec 8 H se cours par semaine. Je peux vous enseigner la langue à partir de l’alphabet jusqu’aux règles grammaticales ou même la conjugaison etc... N’hésitez pas à m’écrire, Au plaisir de vous lire.

Hi! I'm a student at the University of Kent, studying English and American Literature and Creative Writing. I received A stars at a GCE level for both English language, and Enlish Literature. I also have an International Baccalaureatte Diploma, wherr I studied French as a second language. Although I haven't taught children professionally yet, I have done so more often for cousins, nephews, and nieces. The youngest child I have taught by myself was 10 years old, and the oldest, 16 years old. ...

I'm Elena, a Masters student at Stirling University and a Journalism Graduate from University Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona). I currently live in Riverside Stirling, which is just a couple of minutes walk to the train and bus station. During my studies as an undergraduate at UPF, I completed an Erasmus exchange program at University of Stirling and did several internships in Spanish media, such as La Vanguardia newspaper or RAC1 radio station. I am originally from Barcelona, where I ha...

🌟 Hey, I'm Laura 🌟 Allow me to introduce myself—I'm Laura, an architect and journalist with a deep-rooted passion for languages and teaching. Throughout my career, I've worn many hats, but my heart has always belonged to the art of language and communication. 🗣️ Language Tutoring Expertise: With a background in architecture and journalism, I bring a unique perspective to language learning. I've had the privilege of sharing my love for languages with learners of all ages and backgrounds...

Hi my name is Jessica , i am 27 year old Australian who has recently been teaching english in Primary schools in Italy. I really enjoyed this and I would love to be able to do more of it.

Grazie per aver visitato il mio profilo! Mi chiamo Luca e sono un Tutor specializzato nell'apprendimento della lingua Inglese con più di 15 anni di esperienza. Mi sono laureato alle prestigiose università Inglesi "King’s College, University of London" e "London School of Economics " e assieme ad una carriera di successo nella City of London, ho sempre impartito lezioni private a studenti di tutte le età e con qualsiasi livello di preparazione. L'Inglese è la mia passione! Con gran...

Hi! I am a fully qualified Architect from Italy. Are you keen to improve your skills in Italian language? I am happy to help you! I look forward to hearing from you soon! Arrivederci!

After a BA in English literature and civilisation with a side to teach french to foreigners in France I came to England to become a french teaching assistant in 2 secondary schools. I really enjoyed working with the students to help them for their oral exams. I worked with students for their GCSE and their A-levels. Back in France a also volunteered to teach french to adult migrants who had just arrived in the country, it was an amazing opportunity and taught me a lot about teaching. Althoug...

I´m Alicia. I´m 30 years old and I´m Spanish. I´m a social educator and I´m currently a psychology student too. I arrived in Cambridge a 2 years ago to learn English. I was working like au pair in a lovely family during a year and currently I´m working in a nursery.

I have been working as a tutor to both children and adults for the past year. I currently teach, English, Maths and English as a foreign language. My students are aged from 3-18+ I have seen some excellent results from my students, many of whom have gained much higher test results than they thought possible. I love to help students build confidence and watch them grow, especially when they previously struggled.

Hi everyone! My name is Clara and I’m Spanish. I have previous experience teaching children my lenguage (Spanish). I started a few months ago with two girls (5, 7 yrs). I would love to help you. Feel free to ask what you want. Thank you, Clara

Hi, I am Marta and I am an Italian girl with a Master's degree in International Diplomatic Relations. I've been in London since February and I've started working as Digital Media Manager in a London-based start-up. In June I worked as babysitter. She is 11 years old. I taught her to speak Italian. I would like to becoming journalist, so I am able to speak a very good italian, also because it's my mother tongue. I am able to teach especially Italian and International History (since 1914 to...

Award Winning Teacher I’m a highly skilled French language training professional. I have many years’ experience teaching adult learners from diverse personal and professional backgrounds around the world and am equally adept at teaching private or corporate clients, 1-2-1 or in small or large groups. My speciality is teaching French for business, with particular expertise in the fields of finance, telecommunication, diplomacy, law and media. Forget about those boring French classes yo...

I am a certified lecturer of Helen Doron Early English for children from 3 months up to 14 years old. I also teach English to adults and I do teach Czech language too.

I am Lucia, a 19 year-old student from Spain willing to give Spanish lessons to anyone interested despite the age or level of Spanish. I am very friendly, easy going fun and mature. I like teaching those interested in a fun and effective way by playing games, cooking and singing within other activities, so all the skills needed in a language (speaking, reading, listening and writing) can be fully developed.

Hello! I am Chiara, a 17 years old looking for a job as a tutor in languages. My first language is Italian, I have lived there until i was 14. I can also speak Spanish as I am studying it at A level.

Dear whom it may concern, I am applying for this role as a tutor because I feel I would be a perfect fit for the job. I have lived in Paris all my life and grown up around the french language. I have also taught french in Australia to middle school children during 6 weeks as a french assistant. This valuable experience helped me to gain a better understanding about how to communicate the french language across to non speakers. I hope to hear from you soon Kind regards and many thanks ...