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Bonjour, Je suis étudiante française à l'Université de Montréal, en Maîtrise Internationale. J'ai la double nationalité française et britannique, ce qui fait que je suis autant à l'aise en français qu'en anglais. J'ai travaillé 3 ans dans une école en France où je donnais des cours particuliers aux élèves (entre 6 et 12 ans) en français pour les enfants allophones et en anglais pour les enfants français. Je peux également donner des cours de français à des adultes, j'ai un baccalauré...

Hi, my name is Giada , I am a part-time assistant researcher of archaeology at the University of Oxford. I worked as a history teacher and a tutor, and I like to spend a lot of time with both children and teenagers. I have a lot of experience with autistic and dyslexic children as well. Currently I am looking for a part-time job because I work at the University from Monday to Friday, 6 hours a day (I can work at mornings or in the afternoons, I can decide either way).

Sono una studentessa universitaria, con la passione per lo studio, sto aiutando dei bambini con i compiti dai 4 ai 18 anni. Siccome ho fatto dei corsi per migliorare il metodo di studi, potrei anche insegnare a fare schemi e aiutare ad apprendere in modo più efficace. Lavoro con i bambini da un anno, oltre ai compiti impartisco lezioni di inglese siccome ho studiato e vissuto a Londra per 9 mesi e il mio livello di inglese è molto buono. Di solito lavoro con schede interattive in modo da non ...

Me llamo Judit y tengo 21 años. Soy responsable, amable, trabajadora y divertida. Me encanta estar con los niños y imparto clases de refuerzo escolar desde hace más de cuatro años. Busco algún trabajo que pueda compaginar con la universidad, pero en verano ofrezco total disponibilidad igual que en los días de fiesta. Soy puntual y me gusta comprometerme con tal de ver un progreso en los resultados académicos. Me gusta crear una buena relación con los padres y el alumno con tal de que ...

Soy una ejecutiva y consutora multilingue con amplia experiencia internacional en el mundo de los negocios y tambien llevo muchos años trabajando y formandome en neurociencias, por lo que ofrezco clases dinamicas a nivel avanzo e idealmente a ejecutivos, estudiantes y profesionales que necesiten desde perder el miedo, adquirir fluidez, mejorar la pronunciación, negociar con diferentes estilos y culturas, dar conferencias, presentaciones, tener entrevistas, presentarse en ferias, etc. Pueden...

Hi! I am a drama student just about to graduate and I would love to help out some pupils with tutoring! I am bilingual, so I speak English and Italian fluently, as well as Spanish and French (good) and basic German. What I have learned from delving into new languages is that what is fundamental to start understanding and speaking, especially for a child, is to be exposed to people that speak those languages fluently as much as you can, as well as reading books or watching films in those...

Hello! I just graduated in Classics - King's College London. My strongest areas were languages: Latin and Italian. I studied English Literature (A*) & Italian (A) up to A-level. I did German and Italian GCSE (A*s). I am happy to provide certificates or references if needed. I've been tutoring in a variety of subjects but languages are my strong point. I am happy to teach to all ages!

Hey, I'm Marie. I come from Belgium so I can speak French perfectly, it's my mother tongue. I just had my graduation from secondary in June in one of the best school of my country.

Hello, I am a bilingual teacher with my mother tongue being the language of Arabic. I have taught in arabic countries and in the UK I have also taught for 10 years, children from beginners up to A-Levels. I am energetic and flexible as I am able to commute but also can provide teaching in my own home space. I am also available for personal one-on-one or group study sessions with the addition of Quranic Studies. I am enthusiastic to work as soon as possible at any time during the day, as th...

Hello, my name is Ariane, I am 17 years old, and I will be near Oxford form the 21st of July up to the 10th of August. I have been teaching french this year to a child in primary school but also to two students who wanted to learn it. French is my native language but my step father is British and I have lived with him for 10 years thus I have a very good level in english. I am currently seeking for a job to get more experience and a bit of money for my studies, and I wanted to find a...