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Home help for seniors living in King's Cross

Main cities

Homecare provider London
Homecare provider Islington
Homecare provider Bexley

I am a matured women and have workred In the Health Care Sector in 2005 Where i workred in Repite Care with Tower Hamlets Council working has a Social Care Worker Working within clients homes who had disabilities such had visually impaired, physically disabled, Special Educational needs. These clients where both adults and children I would arrive at the clients homes and assist with escorting the clients to shopping, social activities, medical appointments Check the clients welfare...

Agée de 61 ans , je suis célibataire donc disponible. Je suis au chômage depuis 3 ans. Actuellement je fais du bénévolat auprés de certaines personnes âgées parmi mes connaissances. J ai travaillé comme TISF pendant 20 ans . Je vis actuellement en Martinique d où je suis originaire.

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